Ljubljanske mlekarne won the prestigious title Factory of the Year 2019, awarded by the Časnik Finance newspaper. Good practice from production and business digitalization, the Internet of Things, production efficiency and energy efficiency are presented in the context of this project.
“This company was chosen because it is technologically advanced and operates in accordance with the industry 4.0 principles. Algorithmic monitoring and forecasting of production enables it to manufacture 485 different products every week,” explained Anton Papež, chairman of the expert committee selecting the Factory of the Year 2019.
An important part of the automation and digitalization at Ljubljanske mlekarne is also Metronik’s MePIS MES system, introduced in Ljubljana and Maribor.
Its main tasks are to ensure traceability and quality, and to manage efficiency (OEE). MePIS is integrated with the SAP system and the IT system for warehouse management. We have also introduced GE Historian or storing process data and the Metronik’s system for support to energy management named MePIS Energy.
We congratulate Ljubljanske mlekarne. We are proud of being part of its success.
To read more about the solutions introduced, click the links below.

Photo: Matej Kolakovic / Ljubljanske mlekarne